
Continuous Evaluation" of all instructional components: Student, Teacher, Curriculum, and Administration is our main principle. We have accordingly implemented the following evaluation systems in order to continuously improve the instructional components of our program

Student Evaluation System

A- A.S.M Student Evaluation Framework:

- A placement test must be taken before the student starts taking courses. This test helps us determine exactly what level of language proficiency the student possesses at the onset of his or her studies
- A daily evaluation is conducted through homework assignments, class participation, and quizzes
- Midterm Exam
- Final Exam

B- A.S.M Student Evaluation and Grading System:

At A.S.M Center, the student’s learning performance is evaluated according to the following system:

Learning ActivitiesPoints
Class Participation10
Oral Exam20
Mid term Exam20
Final Exam50
TOTAL =>100

2- Teacher Evaluation System

1.Daily administrative supervision and follow-ups on teacher performance using technical forms and logs
2. A teacher evaluation form, which the students will fill out at the end of each course
3. Periodic discussions with students on their opinions of the study system, their feelings regarding the achievement of their study goals, and their suggestions by way of improvement

3- Curriculum Evaluation System

A.S.M Center organizes regular instructor meetings and workshops to evaluate curricula, making the necessary additions or changes in an effort to better meet the students' goals and increase our effectiveness in language instruction.